C-DEngine 5.105

TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1 Members

The TheThingRegistry..::..MsgCreateThingRequestV1 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public field Address
The Address property for the thing instance to be created.
Public field cdeProperties
A list of cdeP properties to be set on the thing instance. Use in addition to Properties when cdeP.cdeT or cdeP.cdeE need to be set.
Public field CreateIfNotExist
Indicates if the thing instance is to be created if it does not exist.
Public field DeviceType
The DeviceType of the thing instance to be created.
Public field DoNotModifyIfExists
Indicates if the thing instance is to be updated with the address and other properties if it already exists
Public field EngineName
The name of the plug-in of which an instance is to be created.
Public field FriendlyName
The FriendlyName property for the thing instance to be created.
Public field Hidden
Indicates if the thing is to be visible to the user/administrator, or if it is to be kept internal to programmatic use only (CreateUX will not be called if Hidden == true).
Public field ID
The ID property for the thing instance to be created.
Public field InstanceId
An identifier that can be used by the owner to distinguish between multiple instances of the same DeviceType/Address.
Public field OwnerAddress
The address of the owner, typically the owning Thing.
Public field Properties
A dictionary containing additional properties to be set on the thing instance to be created.
Public field ReadOnly
Indicates if the thing is to be readonly for all users and administrators, or if it is to be usable like a manually created thing.
Public field ThingMID
Advanced use only (i.e. import of a backup): forces the cdeMID to be matched or created exactly