TheUserManager Methods
The TheUserManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CloudCheck(TheProcessMessage, Int32, Boolean) |
Checks if the User attached to a TPM has permission to access a resource and the this request was checked on a cloud node
DoesAdminRequirePWD |
New V4: Returns true if the given Role does not have an admin account or the admin account has not password
Equals(System.Object) | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetCurrentUserRole |
Returns the Primary Role of the current logged on user
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetScrambledUserScope |
Gets the users Scrambled ScopeID
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetUserAccessLevel(String, String) |
Return the Access Level of a given UID/PWD combination
GetUserDataForNMI(TheSessionState) |
Return public information about a user that can be used in the NMI
GetUserFullName |
Returns the name of a user
HasSessionValidUser |
returns true if a session contains a valid user
HasUserAccess(String, String, Int32) |
returns true of false pending if the user has access to a resource with the ACL provided
HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32) |
Checks if the user with the gived ID has the access permission defined in ACL.
HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32, Boolean) |
Checks if the user with the gived ID has the access permission defined in ACL.
HasUserAccess(Guid, Int32, String) |
Returns true if the given user has either permission to a given ACL or the Required Permission given
HasUserPermission |
Returns true if the given user has permission to a Required Permission given
HasUserPermissions(Guid, List<(Of <<'(String>)>>)) |
Returns true if the given user has permission to one of Required Permissions given
IsCurrentUserRole |
Returns true if the current user has the given role (VIEWER ONLY)
IsInitialized |
Returns true if the UserManager is completely initialized and ready to manage user
IsUserTrusted |
Returns true if the User of the ID is coming from a trusted node
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
RegisterNewRole |
Allows to register a new User Role
ResetUserScopes(Boolean) |
Resets the users Scopes to the Current Active Scope
Sends the current AccessLevel of the given user to an NMI Target Node as a Popup. It will only be sent to a locally connected node and not via the cloud.
SentLoginCredentials |
UX Viewer can use this function to send credentials to a relay node
This call is only allowed if the usermanager is turned ON
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |