HttpListenerRequest Properties
The HttpListenerRequest type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AcceptTypes |
Gets the media types which are acceptable for the response.
ClientCertificateError |
Gets an error code that identifies a problem with the client's certificate.
ContentEncoding |
Gets the encoding for the entity body data included in the request.
ContentLength64 |
Gets the number of bytes in the entity body data included in the request.
ContentType |
Gets the media type of the entity body included in the request.
Cookies |
Gets the cookies included in the request.
HasEntityBody |
Gets a value indicating whether the request has the entity body.
Headers |
Gets the HTTP headers used in the request.
HttpMethod |
Gets the HTTP method used in the request.
InputStream |
Gets a Stream that contains the entity body data included in the request.
IsAuthenticated |
Gets a value indicating whether the client that sent the request is authenticated.
IsLocal |
Gets a value indicating whether the request is sent from the local computer.
IsSecureConnection |
Gets a value indicating whether the HTTP connection is secured using the SSL protocol.
IsWebSocketRequest |
Gets a value indicating whether the request is a WebSocket connection request.
KeepAlive |
Gets a value indicating whether the client requests a persistent connection.
LocalEndPoint |
Gets the server endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
ProtocolVersion |
Gets the HTTP version used in the request.
QueryString |
Gets the query string included in the request.
RawUrl |
Gets the raw URL (without the scheme, host, and port) requested by the client.
RemoteEndPoint |
Gets the client endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
RequestTraceIdentifier |
Gets the request identifier of a incoming HTTP request.
Url |
Gets the URL requested by the client.
UrlReferrer |
Gets the URL of the resource from which the requested URL was obtained.
UserAgent |
Gets the information about the user agent originating the request.
UserHostAddress |
Gets the server endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
UserHostName |
Gets the internet host name and port number (if present) specified by the client.
UserLanguages |
Gets the natural languages which are preferred for the response.