C-DEngine 5.105

HttpListenerRequest Properties

The HttpListenerRequest type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AcceptTypes
Gets the media types which are acceptable for the response.
Public property ClientCertificateError
Gets an error code that identifies a problem with the client's certificate.
Public property ContentEncoding
Gets the encoding for the entity body data included in the request.
Public property ContentLength64
Gets the number of bytes in the entity body data included in the request.
Public property ContentType
Gets the media type of the entity body included in the request.
Public property Cookies
Gets the cookies included in the request.
Public property HasEntityBody
Gets a value indicating whether the request has the entity body.
Public property Headers
Gets the HTTP headers used in the request.
Public property HttpMethod
Gets the HTTP method used in the request.
Public property InputStream
Gets a Stream that contains the entity body data included in the request.
Public property IsAuthenticated
Gets a value indicating whether the client that sent the request is authenticated.
Public property IsLocal
Gets a value indicating whether the request is sent from the local computer.
Public property IsSecureConnection
Gets a value indicating whether the HTTP connection is secured using the SSL protocol.
Public property IsWebSocketRequest
Gets a value indicating whether the request is a WebSocket connection request.
Public property KeepAlive
Gets a value indicating whether the client requests a persistent connection.
Public property LocalEndPoint
Gets the server endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
Public property ProtocolVersion
Gets the HTTP version used in the request.
Public property QueryString
Gets the query string included in the request.
Public property RawUrl
Gets the raw URL (without the scheme, host, and port) requested by the client.
Public property RemoteEndPoint
Gets the client endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
Public property RequestTraceIdentifier
Gets the request identifier of a incoming HTTP request.
Public property Url
Gets the URL requested by the client.
Public property UrlReferrer
Gets the URL of the resource from which the requested URL was obtained.
Public property UserAgent
Gets the information about the user agent originating the request.
Public property UserHostAddress
Gets the server endpoint as an IP address and a port number.
Public property UserHostName
Gets the internet host name and port number (if present) specified by the client.
Public property UserLanguages
Gets the natural languages which are preferred for the response.