C-DEngine 5.105

TheServiceHostInfo Members

The TheServiceHostInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddManifestFiles
Add a list of Files required for the current application to run. The Plugin-Store service will combine all these files into an update file.
Public method CloneBase
Clonse an incoming object into this object
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FireEvent
Fire an Event on a property
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetMeta
Public method GetPrimaryStationURL
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsEventRegistered
Returns true if the requested eThingEvents has registered callbacks
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method NotifyMirror
If called from a derived class and the class was stored in a StorageMirror, this method will call the "NotifyOfUpdate" method in the StorageMirror to inform all Notification Clients that this record has changed. This is VERY Expensive! Do not call too often! This does not work with StorageMirrors that require a PostSalt (unique table name)
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanged (Inherited from TheBindableBase.)
Public method RegisterEvent
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method RegisterEvent2
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method SetAllowRemoteAdministration
Allows to change the AllowRemoteAdministration Setting if the request came from a user with Administrator rights
Protected method SetProperty``1 (Inherited from TheBindableBase.)
Public method SetProxy(String, String, String)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnregisterEvent
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method UnregisterEvent2
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)


  Name Description
Public property AccessControlAllowHeaders
CORS Settings that allows only certain headers. Default *
Public property AccessControlAllowMethods
CORS Settings that allows only certain methods. Default *
Public property AccessControlAllowOrigin
CORS Settings that allows access from other domains
Public property ActivationKeysToAdd
Public property AllEnginesAreStarting
Set when the C-DEngine starts all Plugin Services
Public property AllowAdhocScopes
Allows to create Browser based AdHoc scopes...allowed only on CloudNodes
Public property AllowAnonymousAccess
Public property AllowAutoUpdate
If true, remote nodes can force an automatic update of this node
Public property AllowDistributedResourceFetch
If true, each scoped node in a mesh can provide resources for any other node without the need for a browser to have a valid scoped session. This is a (relative uncritical) security downgrade: normally a browser session has to be authenticated against a scope first. But since resources are considered "static" or "outside NMI Scope" they would need their own user management anyway.
Public property AllowEnvironmentVars
If true, the C-DEngine HSI Parameters can be set via Environment variables
Public property AllowEnvironmentVarsToOverrideConfig
If true, the C-DEngine environment variables will take precedence over settings specified via command line or app.config ///
Public property AllowForeignScopeIDRouting
If set, the current node will route telegrams through that do have different ScopeIDs from the current node
Public property AllowLocalHost
If Set to true, the C-DEngine will accept "http://localhost" as an additional inbound URL
Public property AllowMessagesInConnect
If set to true, the CDEngine is will process device messages in the initial CDE_CONNECT message. Note that, while secure, this will bypass the additional security measures provided by the CDEngine sessions like protection against replay attacks.
Public property AllowRemoteAdministration
If set to true, many administrative operations can be performed from any FR in the mesh, not just from the FR that is to be managed ("FirstNode").
Public property AllowRemoteThingCreation
If set to true, plug-ins on trusted nodes can create things on this nodes via TSM messages
Public property AllowSetScopeWithSetAdmin
Public property AllowUnscopedMesh
if set to true, unscoped nodes can create their own mesh
Public property AllSystemsReady
Public property ApplicationName
Application Name - has to match all nodes in mesh for UPnP auto-connect
Public property ApplicationRoles Obsolete.
A list of known plugins to this node. Any plugin found in the BaseDirectory will be added to this list automatically
Public property ApplicationTitle
Application title for the Portal screen - this can be any arbitrary string
Public property AreAllEnginesStarted
Is set to true when all Engines (Plugin-Service) have been started
Public property AsyncEngineStartup
If True, all plugins/services/engines will be registered, Init and CreateUX asynchronously. InitEngineAssets will be called synchronously before
Public property AuditNMIChanges
If true, all changes initiated from the NMI will be logged
Public property AzureAnalytics
Set to enable Windows Azure cloud analytics if you host the C-DEngine in Windows Azure
Public property BaseBackgroundColor
Sets the base Background color for the "Clean" screen.
Public property BaseDirectory
Base directory of the current C-DEngine instance
Public property BaseForegroundColor
Sets the base Foreground color for the Clean screen.
Public property CacheMaxAge
MaxAge of HTTP Cache in Seconds
Public property cdeAVA
Availability of this record The higher this number the higher the availability of this record The Storage Service might store the data in multiple location to ensure maximum availability
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeCTIM
Timestamp of this class. Will be set to DateTimeOffset.Now on creation of the Class
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeEXP
Expiration in Seconds of the class If a derived class is stored in a StorageMirror and cdeEXP is set to>0, the StorageMirror will automatically delete this record after the time has passed
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeHostingType
The cdeHostType of the node running the current instance of the C-DEngine
Public property cdeMID
Unique Key for the class derived from TheDataBase. this will be used in the StorageService as the Unique Index in the SQL Tables
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeN
Guid of Hosting Node - new in 4.108: Moved from MetaDataBase to here
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property cdeNodeType
The cdeNodeType defines the communication architecture used for this node.
Public property cdePlatform
Return the platform the current instance if running on
Public property cdePRI
Priority of this record. A lower number means a higher priority. Data with higher priority will be retrieved faster than those with lower prio
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public property CDEPUBSUBrecv
Public property CDEPUBSUBrejects
Public property CDEPUBSUBsent
Public property CDEPUBSUBSrejects
Public property ClientCertificateThumb
Thumbprint of a client certificate to use for mesh communication
Public property ClientCertificateUsage
If set to 0 or does not exist, a client certificate is not used and not required (default mode of previous CDE versions) If Set to 1, client can present a client certificate. If no scopes are in the cert, scopes will be used as before (Mix operation between new and old security mode) If Set to 2, client must present a valid client certificate. If no scopes are in the cert, scopes will be used as before (was previous "RequireClientCertificate=true") (previous default mode but with Client Certificate turned on) If set to 3, all clients (including NMI browsers) need to present a client certificate (new enforced Client Certificate Mode only - older CDE Nodes will not able to connect) If the client certificate contains one or more SAN URLs of the scheme "com.c-labs.cdescope://" the client will only participate in scopes with that scopeID. The first cdescope is used as the ScopeID if no scope is presented in the message or connection In IIS, settings 2 and 3 require the "Client Certificates" setting in "SSL Settings" to be set as "Accept" or "Require" for NMI access
Public property CloudBlobURL
Cloud Blob Address
Public property CloudServiceRoute
RETIRED in V4: LocalServiceRoutes and CloudServiceRoutes will be mapped to ServiceRoute - no differnce between Cloud and Local route in V4 Entry will be removed in V5
Public property CodeSignThumb
Contains the current code signing Thumbprint
Public property ConnToken
Public property ContentTemplate
Public property Copyrights
Copyright statement for relay
Public property Coufs
Create User on first start will only be executed if IsNewDevice=true
Public property CSSDlg
Public property CSSMain
Public property CurrentVersion
Current version of the C-DEngine or your application Use this format: FullVersion.MinorVersion
Public property CustomUA
The UserAgent used by the REST commands that can be overwritten for special Firewall policies.
Public property DebTrgtSrv
Public property DebugLevel
Debug Level of the Application The higher the level - the more verbose the output
Public property DefAccountPage
Public property DefaultLCID
Public property DefHomePage
Public property DefLoginPage
Public property DefSignupPage
Public property Description
Public property DisableCache
If true, the C-DEngine will not cache any resources.
Public property DisableChunking
If true, the SmartQueue will chunk any message. ATTENTION: If a device cannot handle large messages, because it ran out of memory or the message is larger than the buffer a device can handle, the large telegram will be lost!
Public property DisableConsole
If set to true, no Log output will go the the console. Logger plugins are not affected
Public property DisableFastTSMs
Every TSM(...) constructor will set the SID (expensive envryption) if not set (default) the two WriteToLog constructors will NOT set the SID during construction
Public property DisableNMI
Public property DisableNMIMessages
Public property DisablePLSCompression
Disables PLS compression (does not compress PLS to PLB if PLB is empty and PLS.Length>512)
Public property DisablePriorityInversion
If true, the SmartQueue will not change any set priority
Public property DisableRSAToBrowser
If set to True, the Browser will not be able to RSA Encrypt, ScopeID, UID or Password In the future we might use our own security algorithm here since the RSA Implementation of .NET varies on all platforms!
Public property DisableTls12
Disables the TLS 1.2 Requirement
Public property DisableUPnPAutoConnect
If set to true, the UPnP discovery system will not automatically connect to other nodes if a compatible node was found.
Public property DisableWebSockets
If set to true, the WebSockets communication stack will be disabled even if a MyWSStationPort was defined
Public property DISCOMX
Sets the UPnP MX record for M-SEARCH broadcasts to a specific value. Should be between 0 and 5. Default is 3
Public property DISCOScanRate
Sets the Scan Rate for Discovery. If set to zero, No periodic scanning will take place. Default is 60 seconds
Public property DISCOSubnet
Limits the SSDP/UPnP M-SEARCH scans to the defined subnet. can be up to three of the 4 IP segments. i.e.: 10 or 10.1 or 192.168.1
Public property DontFallbackToDevice
if true and the internal webserver cannot be created due to a conflict with other installed servers, the node will terminate. if false (Default) the node will disable the internal webserver and just run as a "Device" changing the cdeHostingType to "Device"
Public property DontRelayNMI
Prevents NMI telegrams from being routed across the Cloud - cloud connected browsers will get telegrams
Public property DontVerifyIntegrity
if true, the C-DEngine is running in "Unsafe" mode: plug-ins can be tampered with
Public property DontVerifyTrust
if true, the C-DEngine is running in "Unsafe" mode and custom plugins can be installed
Public property EnableAutoLogin
If set, Mobile device will not autologin the last user even if there is a record of it
Public property EnableBingScan
If set to true during startup, this node will try to find Cloud nodes using Bing Search.
Public property EnableCosting
Is true if Costing per telegram is enabled on this node
Public property EnableFastSecurity
If true, trades off slightly faster communication for a less secure connection (fewer changes of security tokens).
Public property EnableHistorianDataLog
If True, the thing history system will log various diagnostics logs
Public property EnableIntegration
If set to true, the CDEngine is running embedded/integrated in another web solution
Public property EnableIsolation
If true, the relay does support isolation
Public property EnableTaskKPIs
If true the Tasks will measure KPIs
Public property EnforceFifoQueue
If set to true, packages/telegrams within a QDX will always be send in FIFO mode. If False, QDX priority smaller 3 will be sent as FILO
Public property EntryDate
Public property EventTimeout
Timeout for Thing Events (in milliseconds).
Public property FailOnAdminCheck
If true, the host will exit if the HttpLIstener (that requires Admin Rights) could not be started and "DontFallbackToDevice" is true. If DontFallbackToDevice is true, the WebServer of the CDE will be disable and the node runs as a "Device"
Public property FallbackToSimulation
Public property favicon_ico
Public property FireGlobalTimerSync
If True, the QueuedSenderHealth Timer will fire synchronously. Default is async
Public property ForceWebPlatform
For debugging purposes, this flag can be set to always force output on browsers to a specific platform
Public property HasInternetAccess
If set to true, the node has access to the public internet.
Public property HeartbeatDelay
Amount of Seconds Delay to check on Heartbeat
Public property IgnoreAdminCheck Obsolete.
If this is not set, the node will not start if it was not launched with Administrator Previledges
Public property IgnoredEngines
A list of plugins that should not be started even if they were found in the BaseDirectory
Public property IgnoreServerCertificateChainErrors
Allows SSL certificates for which the trust chain could not be validated (including expired certificates)
Public property IgnoreServerCertificateErrors
Ignores any SSL certificate validation errors (default behavior before 4.208)
Public property IgnoreServerCertificateNameMismatch
Allows SSL connections to servers for which the provided certificate does not match the host name.
Public property IgnoreServerCertificateNotAvailable
Allows SSL connections to servers that do not provide an SSL certificate.
Public property IsBackingUp
True if the system is currently backing up the cache folder
Public property IsCloudDisabled
Set this to true to disable the cloud temporarily
Public property IsCloudNMIBlocked
NEW:3.2 If set to true, the User Information is no longer replicated via the cloud and users cannot login to the NMI via the cloud To set from a plugin use "TheCommCore.SetCloudNMIBlock(true|false, GUID pUser); only Admins on the "FirstNode" can change this setting
Public property IsCloudService
If set to true, the current node is a Cloud Service.
Public property IsConnectedToCloud
Is true if the current node is currently connected to the cloud
Public property IsIsolated
If True, this instance is only hosting one plugin isloated. It connects to a master Node
Public property IsMemoryOptimized
If true, the node tries to be as memory optimized as possible. Performance might be slightly decreased and logging and other storage based options might be unavailable
Public property ISMExtension
Defines the file extension for updates
Public property ISMMainExecutable
Contains the name of the running Application hosting the C-DEngine
Public property ISMScanForUpdatesOnUSB
If set to true, the C-DEngine will listen to USB ports for USB sticks containing Updates and new Plugins
Public property ISMScanOnStartup
If set to true, the C-DEngine will scan for new updates during the startup
Public property ISMUpdateDirectory
Specifies a specific directory to look for updates. Default is: BaseDirectory/ClientBin/Updates
Public property ISMUpdateVersion
Will contain the version of an update found in the directory or a stick
Public property IsNewDevice
Set to true if the Node was run for the first time
Public property IsoEngine
the current ISO Engine of the node. Only this engine/plugin is loaded
Public property IsoEngines
A list of plugins that will be hosted isolated in their own process
Public property IsoEnginesToLoad
A list of confirmed plugins that will be hosted isolated in their own process
Public property Static member IsOutOfBrowser
Silverlight Only: Tells the plugins if TheBaseApplication is hosted our of browser (SLLauncher)
Public property IsOutputCompressed
For debugging purposes, indicate whether message parameters (PLS) can be compressed.
Public property IsSSLEnforced
If this is set to true, the C-DEngine will not accept inbound connection on HTTP but requires HTTPS
Public property IsUserManagerInStorage
If set to true and the StorageService is alive, the User Information will be stored/retreived via TheStorageService
Public property IsUsingUPnP Obsolete.
If set to False, the UPnP discovery system was disabled
Public property IsUsingUserMapper
If set to true, the built-in User Manager will be used instead of plain Easy-ScopeIDs
Public property IsViewer
Set to true if the current C-DEngine Application Host (TheBaseApplication) is a Viewer (only ONE user logged in at any give time)
Public property IsWebSocket8Active
Set to true if the C-DEngine is using Windows8/Server 2012 WebSockets (http.sys)
Public property IsWSHBDisabled
Enabled this to disable the WebSocket Heartbeat. If the Hearbeat is off and no traffic is flowing between a browser and the first-node, the browser will time out when the session expires
Public property LastUpdate
Public property LocalServiceRoute
RETIRED in V4: LocalServiceRoutes and CloudServiceRoutes will be mapped to ServiceRoute - no differnce between Cloud and Local route in V4 Entry will be removed in V5
Public property LoginReferrers
Public property MainConfigScreen
The NMI Screen with the main Relay Configuration Page
Public property MaxBatchedTelegrams
New in V3.200: Maximum amount of telegrams batched together
Public property MaximumHops
If this value is greater than zero and a telegram comes in with a higher node count in the telegram, it will be rejected.
Public property MinPluginVersion
Minimum Version of plugin required to run
Public property MonoActive
True if the C-Dengine is running on Mono
Public property MonoDetected Obsolete.
True of the C-DEngine is running inside the Mono-Runtime
Public property MonoRTActive
Same as MonoActive
Public property MonoRTDetected
Set if Mono Runtime Detection was run...dont use to detect MONO Runtime - please use MonoRTActive of MonoActive
Public property MyAltStationURLs
A list of alternative URLs that this node might have and allows connection to. Any URL not specified in MyStationURL and MyAltStationURLs will not allow inbound communication
Public property MyAppPresenter
should contain "companyXYZ presents..." Will be printed on Default about us pages
Public property MyAppServices
RETIRED in V4: will be replaced in V5. Use MyLiveServices instead
Public property MyDeviceInfo
The DeviceInfo contains all the information about the device the current instance is running on: MyDeviceInfo = Hardware Device - Where is the CDE running on? cdePlatform = OS Version - Are we on Mono, 64Bit or 32Bit? cdeHostingType = Application Type - Where is the CDE running in? cdeNodeType = Communication Type - How can this node communicate with other nodes?
Public property MyDeviceMoniker
Public property MyLiveServices
Public property MyStationIP
If known, this holds the IP of the current instance of the C-DEngine
Public property MyStationMoniker
Public property MyStationName
Friendly name of the current Node/Station. Uses the MyStationURL if not set
Public property MyStationPort
The inbound port of the current instance for HTTP connections. If set to zero, this node will not accept incoming connections
Public property MyStationURL
The main URL of this Node
Public property MyStationWSPort
In inbound port for WebSockets connections. If set to zero, this node will not accept inbound WebSockets connections
Public property navbutton_color
Public property NodeBlacklist
NodeIDs in this list will be prevented from connecting to this node.
Public property NodeName
Allows to give the node a friendly name.
Public property OptScrRes16by9
Public property OptScrRes4by3
Public property OSInfo
OS the node is running on
Public property P3PPolicy_XML
Public property ParallelPosts
Public property PermittedUnscopedNodesIDs
A list of node IDs that are allowed to participate in the mesh communication although they do not have a proper ScopeID. This is useful for unscoped small devices such as sensors that need to send information to the mesh but do not have the proper OS to participate in the encrypted security of C-DEngine nodes
Public property PortalPage
Defines the default portal page (see AddSmartPage). By default this should be "NMIPORTAL".
Public property PresetDeviceID
Set this Guid if you want your device to have a predefined DeviceID. If no DeviceID is specified, the C-DEngine will create a random DeviceID and stores it at the very first startup. Any subsequent system starts use this same DeviceID. If UseRandomDeviceID is set, the C-DEngine will not store this ID.
Public property PreShutDownDelay
if set to >0 the shutdown will be delayed by these ms. Plugins can set this value if necessary
Public property PrioInversionTime
Defines the time in seconds that triggers a Queue Priority Inversion. If a message is longer in the queue as the specified value in this parameter, the message will be sent next. If this value is zero, the QueuedSender does not perform Priority Inversion
Public property ProtocolVersion
Current CDE-T Version
Public property Redirect404
Public property RejectIncomingSETP
If true, incoming SETP will not be processed - only use for High throughput Nodes in meshes where the NMI is not needed
Public property RelayEngines
A list of virtual plugins not running on the current node but are allowed to route telegrams through this node.
Public property RequiredClientCertRootThumbprints
List of Thumbprints of allowed client certificates
Public property RequiresConfiguration
If this is set to true, the C-DEngine is not completely configured, yet. For example no ScopeID has been issued for the current node. This is not critical for the run-time of the C-DEngine and is user mainly by Application Configuration Plugins such as the Factory-Relay.
Public property ResourcePath
Path for JavaScript resources if Engine is embedded in other cloud solution
Public property Revision
Public property Robots_txt
Public property RootDir
The Root Path on the current node.
Public property SealID
Public property SecurityLevel
If set to higher than 3 every telegram will include a new RSA Key. On Devices with slow or no TPMs creation of an RSA Key can take multiple seconds If set to lower than 3 the C-DEngine will accept untrusted SSL Certificates. This might be important for debugging against a self-signed certificate. Default is 3
Public property SenderQueueSize
Maximum size of the Sender Queue
Public property ServiceRoute
Url and Path to a designated next node with the same ApplicationID. This can point to multiple nodes by separating the URLs with a semicolon (;)
Public property SessionTimeout
Public property ShowMarkupInLog
if true, All Log Entries with DeviceIDs/NodeIDs and ScopeHashes will add Markup for better debugging in cdeSTatus.aspx
Public property ShutdownOnLicenseFailure
If set, the cdeEngine will shutdown when it encounters no activated license
Public property SimulatedEngines
Public property SiteName
Public property SKUID
Main SKU of the current node
Public property SrvSec
Public property StartISM
If set to true, the ISM - Intelligent Service Management will be activated. This has to be set before call ing StartBaseApplication()
Public property StartISMDisco
If set to true, the UPnP Discovery System will be enabled.
Public property StartupEngines
Public property StationRoles Obsolete.
A list of Plugins that will be running as services on the current node
Public property StatusColors
Sets Custom Status Colors for a Relay - Separate the values with ; 0=Idle 1=Active / ok 2=Warning 3=Error 4=Setup/RampUp 5=Design / Engineering / Configuration 6=Shutdown 7=Unknown/unreachable
Public property StatusLevel
The current StatusLevel of the Relay - aggregates all Engine Status Levels to the highest level 0=Idle 1=Active / ok 2=Warning 3=Error 4=Setup/RampUp 5=Design / Engineering / Configuration 6=Shutdown 7=Unknown/Unreachable
Public property StoreLoggedMessages
If set to True, the system will store Message in a Distributed Storage Mirror
Public property ThingRegistryStoreInterval
The time interval the ThingRegistry will be saved to Disk
Public property TileColor
Public property TileImage
Public property Title
Public property TLDCGs
Public property TO
This structure allows to set all important timeouts of the C-DEngine
Public property TokenLifeTime
Live time for User Refresh Tokens
Public property TopLogo
Public property TopLogoURL
Public property TrackAccess
Enables the Access Tracker for User Activities
Public property TrgtSrv
Public property UPnPDeviceType
This defines the "StandardDeviceType" for UPnP. Default is "InternetGatewayDevice"
Public property UPnPIcon
Public property UseEasyScope16
use new 16 digits EasyScopeID
Public property UseGELFLoggingFormat
Sets the GELF Loggin Format as the standard format for Console Output
Public property UseHBTimerPerSender
if true, each QSender will get its own Heartbeat timer
Public property UseRandomDeviceID
If set to true, the C-DEngine will create a new random DeviceID every time it starts up. Benefit: Great for debugging and ad-hoc devices Be aware: no data is made persitant! The ThingRegistry and other databasees will be cleared with every restart
Public property UseTcpListenerInsteadOfHttpListener
If set to true, a TCP Listener will be used without first attempting to create an HttpListener.
Public property VendorData
Custom Vendor Data that will be included in the UPnP metadata You will get this ID assigned from from C-Labs once you have licensed the C-DEngine
Public property VendorID
Guid of the Application Owner This guid will allow easy access to vendor information in the Plugin-Store
Public property VendorName
Human Readable name of the Vendor creating this Application
Public property VendorUrl
A URl pointing at the Vendors WebSite
Public property VerifyTrustPath
If true, the C-DEngine will verify the Trust path of the code-signing certificate. Internet connection is REQUIRED
Public property Version
Public property WsJsThrottle
Allows to throttle WebSocket Messages to JavaScript clients. Messages will not be sent faster than this number Default is zero (No Throttling)


  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged
Multicast event for property change notifications.
(Inherited from TheBindableBase.)