TheSessionState Members
The TheSessionState type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CloneBase |
Clonse an incoming object into this object
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
Dispose |
Clears the session state
Equals(System.Object) | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
FireEvent |
Fire an Event on a property
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetNextSerial |
Increase the FID Serial Number by one
GetSID |
Get Scrambled ScopeID from Session
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
IsEventRegistered |
Returns true if the requested eThingEvents has registered callbacks
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
NotifyMirror |
If called from a derived class and the class was stored in a StorageMirror, this method will call the "NotifyOfUpdate" method in the StorageMirror to inform all Notification Clients that this record has changed.
This is VERY Expensive! Do not call too often!
This does not work with StorageMirrors that require a PostSalt (unique table name)
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
OnPropertyChanged | (Inherited from TheBindableBase.) | |
RegisterEvent |
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
RegisterEvent2 |
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
SetProperty``1 | (Inherited from TheBindableBase.) | |
ToString |
User Friendly print of the current session state
UnregisterEvent |
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
UnregisterEvent2 |
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
Name | Description | |
ARApp |
Web Relay APP Guid
Browser |
Browser definition of the session
BrowserDesc |
Long browser description of the session
BrowserLanguage |
Browser language as told by the User Agent of the browser
cdeAVA |
Availability of this record
The higher this number the higher the availability of this record
The Storage Service might store the data in multiple location to ensure maximum availability
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeCTIM |
Timestamp of this class. Will be set to DateTimeOffset.Now on creation of the Class
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeEXP |
Expiration in Seconds of the class
If a derived class is stored in a StorageMirror and cdeEXP is set to>0, the StorageMirror will automatically delete this record after the time has passed
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeMID |
Unique Key for the class derived from TheDataBase. this will be used in the StorageService as the Unique Index in the SQL Tables
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdeN |
Guid of Hosting Node - new in 4.108: Moved from MetaDataBase to here
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
cdePRI |
Priority of this record.
A lower number means a higher priority.
Data with higher priority will be retrieved faster than those with lower prio
(Inherited from TheDataBase.) |
Current User ID logged in and associated with this Session State
CurrentURL |
Current URL the user is on using this session
CurrentWPID |
Current Web Page ID
CustomData |
Custom data (string) to be stored with this session
CustomDataLng |
Custom Data (Long) stored with this session
Debug |
Custom Debug "Long" to be stored with the session
EndTime |
Time when the session was closed
EntryTime |
Creation time of the Session State
HasExpired |
if true, this session state is no longer valid and will be removed shortly
HS |
Current Home Screen
InitReferer |
HTTP Request Item: "Initial Referer"
LastAccess |
Last update of the session state
Language ID of the current Session State. Will be set during login according to users setting in TheUserManager
MyDevice |
Client device GUID from User Manager "MyDeviceRegistry"
PageHits |
Hit Counter of pages for this session
PUIDHigh |
Passport PUID High
Passport PUID Low
RemoteAddress |
Request entry "RemoteAddress"
RunID |
Contains the SessionID. Used by Web Relay
ScreenWidth |
Screenwidth of the users browser screen
SiteName |
Root site name of this session
SiteVersion |
Version of the current host site
StateCookie |
State Cookie object
StateCookies |
Name/Value pairs of all session state cookies
Status |
Current status of the session
URL Token for pin login
first part of the site dns name (i.e. "" test is the TRGTSRV)
UserAgent |
String value holding the UserAgent field of an incoming http request.
For example:
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:69.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0"
WebPlatform |
Current Browser platform the last request was sent from
Name | Description | |
PropertyChanged |
Multicast event for property change notifications.
(Inherited from TheBindableBase.) |