C-DEngine 5.105

TheQueuedSenderRegistry Methods

The TheQueuedSenderRegistry type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ConnectToUnconfiguredRelayAsync
Connects to an unconfigured Node
Public method Static member DisconnectUnconfiguredRelay
Disconnects a unconfigured Node
Public method Static member GetMeshInfoForNodeID
Returns information about the mesh of the node with the given pID parameter. If the method has been called too frequently (less than 30 seconds since last call) or an invalid token or ID is used, the StatusMessage of TheMeshInfoStatus will contain an explanation.
Public method Static member GetMyISBConnect
new V4: Gets a ISB Connect Class to establish a new Connection to the CDE
Public method Static member IsServiceRouteConnected
Checks the current status of the configured service route.
Public method Static member ProcessCloudRequest
Processes requests coming from IIS/Cloud based nodes
Public method Static member RegisterCloudEvents
Register Events to determine if a cloud node is up or down
Public method Static member RegisterHealthTimer
TheQueuedSenderRegistry manages all Serice Health related methods a timer that is fired every TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.TO.QSenderHealthTime milliseconds (by default 1 second) This function allows to register a custom callback that will be called everytime the Timer is fired. Make sure you unregister the callback when its no longer needed to avoid memory leaks.
Public method Static member ReinitCloudRoutes
Re-Initializes the defined Cloud Routes
Public method Static member UnregisterCloudEvents
Unregister the cloud events
Public method Static member UnregisterCloudRoutes
Allows to stop all cloud routes
Public method Static member UnregisterHealthTimer
This function unregisters a previously registered callback.
Public method Static member UpdateCloudRoutes
Updates the current cloud routes. If the parameter is zero all cloud connectivity will be discontinued
Public method Static member UpdateLocalHostScope
Updates the local host Scope with the latest ScopeID