C-DEngine 5.105

cdeP Methods

The cdeP type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AreValuesDifferent
A static function that allows to compare two property-values of a given Property Type
Public method ClearAllEvents
Removes all Events from cdeP
Public method CloneBase
Clonse an incoming object into this object
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method CloneTo
Clones the metadata of the current class to a new class provided to the method
(Inherited from TheMetaDataBase.)
Public method DeclareSecureProperty
This function allows to declare a secure Property Secure Properties are stored encrypted and can only be decrypted on nodes with the same ApplicationID and SecurityID. These properties are sent encrypted via the mesh. JavaScript clients CANNOT decrypt the value of the property!
Public method Equals(System.Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FireEvent(String, Boolean, Int32)
Fire an Event on a property
Public method FireEvent(String, TheProcessMessage, Boolean, Int32)
Fire an Event on a property
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method GetAllProperties()()()()
returns a list of all sub-properties of the cdeP Only properties directly attached to a this property will be returned.
Public method GetAllProperties(Int32)
returns a list of all sub-properties of the cdeP as well as their sub-properties up to the specified nesting level
Public method GetConfigMeta
Helper function to retrieve the configuration meta-data for this property from the corresponding sub-properties
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member GetParentProperty
Returns the parent property of a given property if it has a parent
Public method GetPropertiesMetaStartingWith
Returns all properties where the cdeM Meta Field starts with pName Only properties directly attached to a this Property will be returned.
Public method GetPropertiesStartingWith
Returns a list of Properties starting with pName in the Name Only properties directly attached to a this Property will be returned.
Public method GetProperty(String)
Returns a property of a given Name. If the property does not exist the method returns NULL
Public method GetProperty(String, Boolean)
Returns a property of a given Name. If the property does not exist the method returns NULL
Public method Static member GetPropertyPath
Returns the Hirarchically property path of a given property
Public method GetPropertyType
Return the property type of a given property name. Returns ZERO if the property does not exist or the name is null/""
Public method GetSensorMeta
Public method GetSensorProviderInfo
Public method GetThing
Return the OwnerThing of this property
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUpdater
Returns the Updater Guid
Public method GetValue
Use this method to ensure the correct value of a Property. If cdeE|1 is set, the property value is stored encrypted and only this method returns the correct Value
Public method HasRegisteredEvents(String)
Returns true if the requested eThingEvents has registered callbacks
Public method HasRegisteredEvents()()()()
Returns true if this property has registered events
Public method HasThing
Returns true if the property has an Owner-Thing
Public method IsEventRegistered
Returns true if the requested eThingEvents has registered callbacks
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method NotifyMirror
If called from a derived class and the class was stored in a StorageMirror, this method will call the "NotifyOfUpdate" method in the StorageMirror to inform all Notification Clients that this record has changed. This is VERY Expensive! Do not call too often! This does not work with StorageMirrors that require a PostSalt (unique table name)
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Protected method OnPropertyChanged (Inherited from TheBindableBase.)
Public method RegisterEvent(String, Action<(Of <<'(cdeP>)>>))
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
Public method RegisterEvent(String, Action<(Of <<'(Object, TheProcessMessage>)>>))
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method RegisterEvent2
Register a callback that will be fired on a Property Event
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method RegisterGlobally
If this function is called, the Property will be known globally on all nodes
Public method RegisterOnChange
Registers a new OnPropertyChange Event Callback
Public method RegisterProperty
Registers a new property with TheThing at runtime
Public method RegisterStatusChanged
registers a function that is called when the StatusLevel of this Thing has changed
Public method RemovePropertiesStartingWith
Removes all properties with a given prefix from TheThing at Runtime Only properties directly attached to a this Property will be deleted.
Public method RemoveProperty
Removes a property from TheThing at Runtime
Public method ResetUpdater
Resets the Updater
Public method SetConfigMeta
Helper function to set the sub-properties containing configuration meta-data for this property.
Public method SetProperties
Sets multiple properties at once. Use with the Historian feature for a consistent snapshot that has all these property changes. If any of the properties do not exist, they will be created All Events (Change and Set) will be fired - even if the property has not changed The Property Type will be set as well
Public method SetProperty(String, Object)
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created
Public method SetProperty(String, Object, ePropertyTypes)
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created All Events (Change and Set) will be fired - even if the property has not changed The Property Type will be set as well
Public method SetProperty(String, Object, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(cdeP>)>>))
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created
Public method SetProperty(String, Object, ePropertyTypes, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(cdeP>)>>))
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created All Events (Change and Set) will be fired - even if the property has not changed The Property Type will be set as well
Public method SetProperty(String, Object, DateTimeOffset)
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created The Property Type will be set as well
Public method SetProperty(String, Object, ePropertyTypes, DateTimeOffset, Int32, Action<(Of <<'(cdeP>)>>))
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created All Events (Change and Set) will be fired - even if the property has not changed The Property Type will be set as well
Protected method SetProperty``1(UMP%, UMP, Int32, Int32, String) (Inherited from TheBindableBase.)
Public method SetPropertyEvents Obsolete.
Turns event on/off on a Property.
Public method SetPropertyForceEvents
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created All Events (Change and Set) will be fired - even if the property has not changed
Public method SetPropertyNoEvents
Sets a property If the property does not exist, it will be created The Property Change Events and Set Property events are NOT Fired
Public method SetPropertyTypeOnly
Sets the type of a property If the property does not exist, it will be created
Public method SetPublication
Set the PublisCentral bit on the cdeFOC. The requestor is the node requesting the PC
Public method Static member SetSafeProperty(cdeP, String, Object, ePropertyTypes, Boolean)
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TString"
Public method Static member SetSafeProperty(cdeP, String, Object, ePropertyTypes, Boolean, Boolean)
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TString"
Public method Static member SetSafePropertyBool
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TBoolean"
Public method Static member SetSafePropertyDate
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TDate"
Public method Static member SetSafePropertyGuid
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TGuid"
Public method Static member SetSafePropertyNumber
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TNumber"
Public method Static member SetSafePropertyString
A type/null save helper to Store a Numeric value in a given property. The target property type will be set to "TString"
Public method SetSensorMeta
Public method SetSensorProviderInfo
Public method SetThing
Sets the Owner-Thing of a Property
Public method SetUpdater
Sets an Updater Guid for the Property. The updater can check if an OnPropertyChange was fired by itself
Public method ToString
Returns a string representation of the Property Value
Public method UnregisterEvent(String, Action<(Of <<'(cdeP>)>>))
Unregister a previously registered callback
Public method UnregisterEvent(String, Action<(Of <<'(Object, TheProcessMessage>)>>))
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method UnregisterEvent2
Unregister a previously registered callback
(Inherited from TheDataBase.)
Public method UnregisterStatusChanged
unregisters a function that is called when the StatusLevel of this Thing has changed