C-DEngine 5.105

TheMirrorCache<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Properties

The TheMirrorCache<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowFireUpdates
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow fire updates].
Public property AppendOnly
If set to true the store will only append records to disk and not store any in RAM (MyRecords of the MirrorCache)
Public property BlockWriteIfIsolated
Public property CacheStoreInterval
Public property Count
Gets the count.
Public property FastSaveLock
For persistent mirror caches, indicates if save operations should minimize locking by serializing to memory instead of disk (trades off higher memory usage against performance)
Public property IsCacheEncrypted
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is cache encrypted.
Public property IsCachePersistent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is cache persistent.
Public property IsReady
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is ready.
Public property IsStoreIntervalInSeconds
If set to true the store will save the content very CacheStoreInterval seconds. If set to false it requries CacheStoreInterval Changes to the store to write to disk
Public property MaxCacheFileCount
Maxmimum number of cache files allowed. Once this number is reached, older files will be deleted. Used only for AppendOnly StorageMirrors.
Public property MaxCacheFileSize
Maximum size (in KB) allowed for a single cache file. Used only for AppendOnly StorageMirrors.
Public property TheKeys
Gets the keys.
Public property TheValues
Gets the values.
Public property UseSafeSave
For persistent caches, gets or sets a value indicating whether to keep a backup copy during each save.