TheCommRequestResponse Class
TheCommRequestResponse class has helper methods for request/response style messaging on top of the core messaging system:
The "...Json" methods let you send requests and responses as TSM messages with JSON payload, using serialized .Net classes as the message contract for both request and response messages:
- Serialized instances are used as the TSM.PLS payload
- The class name is used for the TSM.TXT field, appending a unique correlation id (Guid, in stream form, seperated by a ":" character) to facilitate matching responses to requests.
- The response gets a TSM.TXT with the original message name and a "_RESPONSE" suffix, as well as the ":" separated correlation id or the original message.
PublishRequestJsonAsync<inputT, outputT>: Sends a TSM and waits for a response TSM.
ParseRequestMessageJSON<inputT>: Used by the recipient of the request to obtain the message payload
These methods let you send requests and responses using arbitrary TXT, PLS, message names. Response TSMs are assumed to have a _RESPONSE suffix.
These methods provide the same functionality as the *Async methods, but offer a callback instead of using Tasks:
ParseRequestOrResponseMessage: can be used by the recipient of a TSM to parse the message name and correlation id.
nsCDEngine.CommunicationAssembly: C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)