eFieldType Enumeration
List of all Field(Control)Types of the NMI Engine
nsCDEngine.Engines.NMIServiceAssembly: C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)
Member name | Description | |
SingleEnded | nmiCtrlSingledEnded | |
ComboBox | Creates a dropdown combo box for choices | |
SingleCheck | creates a single check box | |
TextArea | Creates a text area input field | |
YesNo | creates a Yes/No choice box | |
Time | Creates an input box for Time | |
TimeSpan | Creates an input box for a timespan | |
Password | Creates an input box for a password showing * during input. The corresponding dataitem will be encrypted | |
Number | Creates a number input field | |
Country | Creates a dropdown box for countries | |
TrueFalse | Creates an combo box with True and False as options | |
Creats an input field for an email address | ||
ComboOption | Creates a combo box with an optional input field | |
Month | Creates a selector box for picking a month | |
FormButton | Button with special meaning in forms | |
SmartLabel | Creates an output field for text | |
DateTime | Creates in input field for Date and Time via a friendly input box | |
TileButton | Creates a button | |
Table | Creates an inline Table | |
CheckField | Creates an field of checkboxes representing each bit in a number | |
Screen | Coming Soon: A grid of Radio Options | |
Picture | Creates a image field | |
CanvasDraw | Creates a blank canvasdraw (Base for several other controls) | |
URL | Creates an input field for a URL. The syntax of the Url is checked | |
Currency | Creates in input field for currency | |
Slider | Creates an endless slider to increase decrease values | |
BarChart | Creates a single BarChart | |
TouchDraw | Creates an ink/touch receiving area | |
DropUploader | Creates an area to drop a file on | |
ReveilButton | Creates a 1x1 Button that can hide other buttons underneath | |
PinButton | Creates a small quarter tile Pin Button | |
Dashboard | ||
FormView | Creates a Form view | |
MuTLock | Display the MuTLock (TM) | |
ProgressBar | Displays a progressbar | |
TileGroup | Greates a group that can be used to group elements together | |
VideoViewer | Displays a Video element | |
UserControl | Defines the entry point for user controls in other NMI libraries | |
IPAddress | Input of IP Addresses | |
Shape | Creates an area for shapes | |
CollapsibleGroup | Create a tilegroup that can be collapsed | |
AboutButton | nmiCtrlAboutButton / cdeNMI.ctrlAboutButton | |
StatusLight | nmiCtrlStatusLight / cdeNMI.ctrlStatusLight | |
FacePlate | nmiCtrlFacePlate / cdeNMI.ctrlFacePlate | |
LoginScreen | ||
ShapeRecognizer | ||
ScreenManager | ||
LogoButton | ||
ThingPicker | ||
ImageSlider | ||
CircularGauge | ||
SmartGauge | ||
IFrameView | ||
PropertyPicker | ||
PropertyPickerCtrl | ||
TheToolTip | ||
ComboLookup | ||
UserMenu | ||
MeshPicker | ||
HashIcon | Shows an icon created from a hash in the "Value" property | |
CertPicker | Shows the client-certificate picker |