C-DEngine 5.105

cdeNodeType Enumeration

The cdeNodeType tells the C-DEngine what licensing Type is used for this node. Depending on the cdeNodeType certain features of the C-DEngine will be used. This can be for security and for footprint optimization purposes

Namespace:  nsCDEngine.ViewModels
Assembly:  C-DEngine (in C-DEngine.dll)


public enum cdeNodeType
Public Enumeration cdeNodeType
public enum class cdeNodeType


Member nameDescription
NOTSET Not set, yet
Relay This Node is a Relay Service and can actively send REST calls and Passively receive Http Requests
Active This Node is a Client only. It has no Http Service but can send REST calls to other nodes
Passive This Node is a Device only. It has an Http Service and can receive calls but it cannot sent REST calls to other nodes
ActPass This node is a device and has both active and passive capabilities but it cannot relay to other devices